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    The window for NY State Testing opens soon and KCSD is preparing to administer these tests to our students in Grades 3-8. 

    These state assessments provide our teachers and schools with information that can be used to guide planning and instruction and help them to understand how well students are progressing in the skills and concepts being taught in classrooms, both in-person and virtually.  Results from the tests also help identify achievement gaps among our different student populations. 

    This year, each test will be given over one day instead of the usual two-day testing period. 

    KCSD will administer the assessments on the following dates: 


    Grade 3 – Tuesday, April 27

    Grade 4 – Monday, April 26

    Grades 5-8 – Wednesday, April 21 (make-up day 4/22) 


    Grade 3 – Wednesday, May 5

    Grade 4 – Tuesday, May 4

    Grades 5-8 – Wednesday, May 5 (make-up day 5/6) 

    Science (written only – no labs):

    Grade 4 – Tuesday, June 8

    Grade 8 – Tuesday, June 8 

    *Students with accommodations will take the assessments throughout the testing period. 

    Because of spacing constraints in our schools due to COVID regulations and guidelines, it is very important for us to know how many students will be taking these tests.  We are asking all families of students in Grades 3-8 to fill out this short survey and let us know if your child will participate. 

    Any parents/guardians with remote students who would like to take part in state assessments can contact their building principal to schedule a time for testing and do not need to participate in this survey. 

    Thank you for your continued support!



    Several resources for parents have been made available on the NYSED (New York State Education Dept.) website.

    Things Every Parent Should Know About Student Participation in Statewide Assessments

    Additional Things Every Stakeholder Should Know About Student Participation in Statewide Assessments

    What Parents Need to Know


    More information can be found at  and