• picture of woman working and child watching tv

    (The following letter appeared in the January 2018 edition of the Ulster County Chamber of Commerce newsletter) 

    Dear Business Owner,

    We are pleased to announce that the °ÄÃÅ¿ª½±¼Ç¼ City School District is working in partnership with the City of °ÄÃÅ¿ª½±¼Ç¼ to improve attendance rates for the most high risk and vulnerable children in our community. In an effort to reach the families of these children, we are launching a community-wide awareness campaign, known as “Attendance Matters.” The purpose of the “Attendance Matters” campaign is to send a strong message to our community’s young people that we notice them, we care about them, and that by regularly attending school, we can work with them to make sure they have the tools they need to grow into successful young adults. We believe wholeheartedly that children who feel supported by their family, friends, neighbors and teachers are far more likely to successfully overcome the obstacles before them.

    As business owners, you are in a unique position to assist with this important endeavor. We hope to provide outreach awareness to parents through employers. Many school districts and businesses throughout the country are working together to reach parents by placing attendance posters and informational pamphlets in their employees’ break rooms, or central meeting places. These materials are meant to increase general awareness about the importance of regular and timely attendance. Enclosed is a sample poster and brochure.

    We hope you will consider participating in this critical effort. We are fortunate to live in a close-knit community with mutual interests in raising successful, productive citizens. As employers, you need focused and engaged workers who are not distracted over attendance concerns of their children. Additionally, this is an investment in the future workforce. By instilling strong work ethics early, we are creating a climate that encourages responsibility and professionalism.

    As community leaders, we are dedicated to providing a safe community for our children, a quality education, and a healthy workforce that contributes to the growth of our City. We believe that this important “Attendance Matters” initiative promotes these goals.

    Within the next few weeks, a representative from the city and the school district will reach out to you for further discussion about your participation in this new endeavor. We hope you give them your strongest consideration. As always, we look forward to working with you to continue growing our city and our school district in a positive direction.


    Dr. Paul J. Padalino, Superintendent

    Mr. Steve Noble, Mayor of the City of °ÄÃÅ¿ª½±¼Ç¼

    Mr. Ward Todd, President of the Ulster County Chamber of Commerce