• What is New York State Education Law 2-D?   

    The New York State Education Law 2-D pertains to the unauthorized release of personally identifiable information. To read the full legislation, please visit the  .  

    In January 2020, the Board of Regents adopted , which provides guidance to educational agencies and their third-party contractors on ways to strengthen data privacy and security to protect student data and annual professional performance review data.

Data Privacy and Security Policies

  • Parents’ Bill of Rights for Data Privacy and Security

    The °ÄÃÅ¿ª½±¼Ç¼ City School District is committed to protecting the privacy and security of each student’s personally identifiable information in educational records from unauthorized parties in accordance with State and Federal law.

    Information and Data Privacy, Security, Breach and Notification

    The Board of Education acknowledges the heightened concern regarding the rise in identity theft and the need for secure networks and prompt notification when security breaches occur. The Board adopts the National Institute for Standards and Technology Cybersecurity Framework Version 1.1 (NIST CSF) for data security and protection. 

    Computer Use In Instruction/Acceptable Use Policy

    The Board of Education is committed to optimizing student learning and teaching. The Board considers student access to a computer network, including the Internet, to be a powerful and valuable educational and research tool, and encourages the use of computers and computer-related technology in district classrooms solely for the purpose of advancing and promoting learning and teaching.

    Computer Resources and Data Management

    The Board of Education recognizes that computers are a powerful and valuable education and research tool and as such are an important part of the instructional program. In addition, the district depends upon computers as an integral part of administering and managing the schools’ resources, including the compilation of data and record keeping for personnel, students, finances, supplies and materials. 

    Internet Safety Policy

    The Board of Education is committed to undertaking efforts that serve to make safe for children the use of district computers for access to the Internet and World Wide Web.